“Zindagi wo pal hai,
Jab humein lage ki ye sirf humaari hai,
Aur agla pal humara mazak udaye !!”
Sometimes in our lives we meet people,people whom we never want to be away from but life has other plans for us and the people.
Here’s a short story related to it.
After much pressure of parents and the results,finally I ended up seeking a good college in my city only.
I joined the college,afterall that’s what everyone’s parents want..that their son or daughter study and become something in life.
I had been a simplistic guy,simple in my approaches…but complex all otherwise.
It was the first day of the college,and I was as nervous as the first day of school as a tiny toddler.
I headed for the college and like always was running late for it…!
I reached college,hurriedly with my lovely sweetheart,[Yeah ! Guys call it their “Bike”] and so did I have one.
The first day of the college and I was late,and it did’nt seem like a good day to me.
As I figured out which class belonged to me,I hurriedly ran for it..and bumped into a girl…
She was as nervous and late as me ! [ Bingo,such common things,from the first go.]
The hair falling on her forehead,as she gave me that “where the hell did you come from ? “,”cant you see ?” look..and I didn’t think anything related to it..but just as I was going up the stairs ,I realized it ‘s not such a bad day afterall.
I was waiting for my recess time,for the orientation thing turned out to be pretty boring,for everyone around.
I was talking to this guy who belonged to my city,and he after some social obligations of knowing each others belongings and formalities said the usual boy line “ Yaar ! yahan ladkiyan dhang ki nahi hain”.
I said “Pata nahi !”. [ I’ve selected mine and to hell with you]
First day of college and he was checking out girls,either I was talking to a ladies man or a female transformation,it was later I realized it was the latter thing only.
Sitting in the recess,I noticed the same girl sitting a few chairs next to me.
I have always been simple as I said,and my likes too dependent on “simple” things.
She was wearing a white suit, no make up and long hair [ all my likes].
She was beautiful for sure,for the beauty never comes from the Man-made materials but Natural.
I went up to her and sat on the table infront of her and said “ Hey, I was too nervous and was in a Hurry and accidently bumped into you,sorry for that”.
She looked at me with a smile,and said “Sorry,from my side too and that was the same case with me”.
Smiles came out in unison.I was loving it.
We began the same formalities,”where are you from ?”,”which branch ?” etc.
She happened to be in the class next to me and her name was “Shagun”. [lovely,isn’t it ?]
The only problem with bollywood hindi movies is that it makes you believe all the nonsense, and the one thing of it was “Love at First Sight”.
After,meeting her and talking to her followed by all those lovely smiles, it finally had to be the news for my friends at Home.
Friends,are those disgusting creatures in one’s life who make you believe every nonsense and never sense.
And when I did tell them with what happened to me to the first day of my college,everyone looked at me as never before and said together “Pyaar ho gaya ladke ko”.
The thing is that,how do all friends can think the same thing at the same time..Strange ! sometimes.
But that was it,my first day of college got over and I was as usual on my terrace looking up at the moon trying to get answers to my questions as I thought of “Her”.
Days passed the same way,I and Shagun used to meet during the recess and talked,I never remembered what we talked about,but it was always fun…and we always ended up smiling.
Technology is a boon for the modern day couples,talking on the phone all night long,but still I don’t like it for sitting and talking to each other with both of you present together is an all together a different feeling,not even its abbreviation can be felt over phone.
But still,that’s the best to offer,for in the busy life one can hardly meet the other daily.
By now we had started talking on the phone and the nights were spent not in assignments but talking on the phone and about what I never got my brains into that,but we did and the talks were never ending.
Being a computer science student,I always thought of it as a never ending Loop.[ nerdy eh ?]
Two months passed…..
I was out with her as we had bunked our college that day…
We had planned everything the night before,and I had decided differently aswell after the call.
I went to pick her up from a spot we decided,that would be safe and she was as usual late [Girls,I tell you are always late].
She showed up after 10 mins..its not that I waited for her 10 minutes,but I also came 8 mins late and 2 mins before her at the appointed time.
She sat on my bike and we went to a Park,that was supposed to be good and filled with many rides,but we were not kids,all we seeked was some place where we can sit and talk for hours infront of each other.
We were walking in the park on the lane that was like a kilometer long path and flower plants on either sides.
After walking a few paces together…I plucked a flower from the near by rose plant, and she never came to know about it, as she was busy blabbering about some of her “Relative”.
I held her hand..as she kept blabbering..
Looked in her eyes and gave that rose to her.
She remained silent for a while.
And don’t know what fit took on her ,but she came up with nothing good but tears.
[ I never knew roses have tear gas in them !]
It was later,she told me that she just got overwhelmed with emotions.
And then we were all smiles.
Time is something that’s like sand in hands,it passes sooner than you hold it.
After all the talks,the fights,the romance,the tears,the smiles,the jealous seasons,the possessiveness we still were together,through the ups and downs of life.
Everyone in the college knew us as an inseparable couple..and that we were…!!
The last day of our college was here and I had decided something…for it was the first day in the college that made me meet her,and I couldn’t have just sat just because we were together,it had to be special.
It was the last day of college,and there had to be no studies.
There were no teachers in the classes..and the classes were full clicking pics in groups or giving poses for the facebook profiles.
I followed by my friends went up in her class.
I called her out of the class.
As she came out,the photographs clicks had stopped.
I got on my knees.
Held her hands.
Kissed on them.
Took out the ring from my pocket.
And said “ Shagun ! this ring is not for You,its for the girl I have loved so long and will always love her”.
I knew what would happen and bingo ! I am always so right.
Her eyes started raining,seeing the ring in her hands.
And I somehow managed her not to cry atleast !!
She then again was all smiles.
Everyone around was happy for us.
It was the same day she had to leave for her native place which was about 200 kms from my city.
I was with her and dropped her to the station..and she was again all tears as the train started to leave.
I had somehow controlled my emotions,for I knew it was not Shagun that was going away from me,but my part that belongs to me and will return back to me !!
I was happy and contended thinking the same thing.
A Few days had passed..and I had no contact with her..her cell was switched off !! I had emailed her several times…but I had no news of her.
I was all tensed.
There was one of my classmates,who used to live near her place…but I had never talked to him much even in my college days…but I somehow managed to get his number…
And called him with all awkwardness….
I asked him…”yaar do you know where’s shagun ? I Have no news of her,from the past few days”.
He said “Yaar,I do not know they have changed their house now and I just got to know that she is getting married this week.”.
After hearing this…I coud’nt speak up a thing….!!
I was all NUMB.
The feets had frozen,the mind had stopped working all together,the body seemed weak as I felt that heart of mine getting lazy to even pump.
My heart sank,all together..and it was now tears from my eyes that were coming out like a river not short of water..and I felt just so helpless with the kinda weakness I was feeling all of a sudden.
I ended the call,I do not know in what state and emotion..but it was a bad feeling..a terrible feeling..as if I am to die.
I had always been a cheerful guy,bringing a smile on everyone’s face no matter why.
I went up to the terrace with a million emotions of hatred,betrayed,anger and some emotions just felt and cannot be explained.
I looked up at the sky..asking just one question “If she had to do this only,why didn’t she tell me ?”.
I had a million questions aswell,but just to myself.
The biggest advantage of a heart break is you learn “faking”…its like you get a Ph.D in “How to fake the world “…
Wonderful,with a smile on one’s face…doing the things exactly the same way but not that correctly..no one can actually feel that pain inside you…all they see is the outwardly apperence disguised with a fake smile.
[ Few Months Later]
I was calling,a friend who was making us late for the movie…!
I was calling him,but damn ! technology..it sometimes connects you to some other number some other place.
Mind is a unique thing,it recognizes everything in fraction of seconds and responds to it quickly aswell.
The call connected to somewhere,and a female voice said “Hello,who is this ?”.
[I am always so lucky,eh ?]
But,the voice seemed familiar,and as soon as my mind worked.
The voice again said “Hello,Kaun ?”.
I responded “Shagun,the ring I gave you..i had spent all my savings for it..atleast you should have returned it back to me”.
The voice remained silent.
She didn’t say a word.
And the usual happened.
She kept the Phone,for she was the wife of someone now !!
Life shows us various things.
It depends on us of how we cope with it.
-The end-
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