Activity: Toybank, a non-profit organization has been set up with the aim of providing toys to children who come from a weak socio-economic background.
Details: Goals:
To ensure that children from under privileged backgrounds receive toys through collection and distributions.
To bridge the gap between children from different backgrounds by creative play/group events/community events.
To make play space available for children through-- Toy libraries in available infrastructures; reclaim open public spaces for children.
To design and thus provide toys that will be context specific, by having toys made in local languages as well.

Support: Children, Right to Play, Right to Leisure, non-formal education, toys.
Note: We are looking for volunteer coordinators in Pune and Bangalore. We are looking for NGOs working on education of children in Delhi/NCR.
This post is a part of BlogAdda's Bloggers Social Responsibility (BSR) initiative. I am exercising my BSR and supporting the NGO's.

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