Thursday, September 8, 2011


“Wo Bewafa Nahi,Uski bhi Koi Majboori Rahi Hogi”.

These were the lines that got into my ears as I was switching over channels to watch something on the Television.
I mocked this line,inside me….thinking “The best excuse in life to give to oneself,to keep oneself happy”.
 [During the years,I had changed into an Introvert ]
I was at a Friend’s birthday party and was standing alone and looking at everyone enjoying it…as I was sipping the coke in my hand…
A Girl came inside…she looked beautiful to my eyes and caught my attention..
She met my Friend,and wished her “Happy birthday”..hugging her when her eyes met mine.
She looked to me like a Girl full of “Craziness”,and Yes…I was right again like always….
She danced like crazy,made fun and enjoyed a lot during the party as I was sipping up the next glass full of coke..
Her eyes had met mine several times during that half an hour….
When,I saw her coming towards me.
She in a firm tone asked me “Do You have some problem ?”
I hesitantly replied her,without much control over my emotions “Yes,I don’t know if you’re beautiful,but I still can’t get my eyes off you”.
I looked at her all blank,not thinking what I had said,for that would have made me even more blank.
She smiled and said “Nice Line”,and went away.
Still,I don’t know what it was,but our eyes kept meeting during the whole party.
[party ended]
After,a few days my friend uploaded all her birthday pics and tagged all her friends on Facebook.
I said to myself “Thanks,Mark If you were not there,I would have never been able to find that girl again”.
Without wasting much time…I sent her a message “My eyes still looking for someone I know not if she’s beautiful or not !!”.
Her name was “Shikha”.
After two hours,when I returned back at my desk..I had a message from her which said “but,your eyes never found a second way to meet my eyes than being direct !!”.
This was the first message of our long message talks through facebook.
In the meanwhile,we got added in each others “Friends” and started missing one another when a reply was followed by a long wait.
But still,she was a CRAZY girl for me.
We exchanged numbers and we started talking.
Until it was my birthday..and I returned home enjoying my day with all my friends to check out her messages,as Shikha was in Delhi.
I had her message,before opening it I had a smile on my face.
The message was full with birthday wishes and how she wanted my future to be good..apart from a line written in between “I got a New Boyfriend and I am very happy”.
All of a sudden,the expressions on my face changed and I was dead blank..and Couldn’t think of anything.
And replied “Wow ! You got a boyfriend I am very happy for You”
We didn’t contact for the next two days.
I got a message “I am back in Lucknow now”.
I called her up and without thinking anything I proposed her up.
We were just so made for each other..she often made me blank..and it was my turn now.
She was all blank and didn’t say anything and kept the phone.
Two days later,at night around 2am my phone said “shikha calling”.
I attended her call and she was in a Complain Mode “Do you even know How much I miss You ? Do You know anything Idiot ?” blah ! blah !
I responded “How and why should I know ? U have a Boyfriend !”.
She said “Yes,I had two days back and I broke up with him for You”.
I curiously asked “why ?”.
She was all in tears and said “Coz I Love you too !!”.
There was something about her tears that whenever they fell,they came out from my eyes too.
It felt the best night..for we talked for around an hour crying and just saying I LOVE YOU”.
We seemed like the most crazy couple.
We fought,didn’t talk for days and then we talked we cried and ended up loving each other.
Everything had “we”.
Time few rapidly.
Once,we went out..she was sitting on my Bike…when for saving an “Uncle”..I applied my brakes hard enough to slip on the slippery road…and she fell off from my bike….and so did I.
I had minor cuts on my hands…which she never gotta know about..
She smiled and stood up..and her knee was bleeding…but she didn’t tell me..until I found it myself…
I stopped my bike,got my handkerchief round it and stopped her flow of blood.
She was still smiling and acting crazy,actually we were the Crazy couple.
 We then went to a public place and sat close to each other…and after some moments…we forgot that we were in a public place..and we were just lost in each other…looking and she was in my arms…!
She ended up being all senti..but,She loved my PJ’s !
Time Passed.
Until,One day at around 2 am.she told me “She doesn’t know what’s going on between us may be it was just “attraction”..for she stil feels for her “ex”.
At,that point I realized a different feeling inside me..a Feeling that I was well aware off in the past..but Felt it after a long time..the feeling of Pain inside me.
I had decided to stay away from her since then.
It was like a full-stop for our relationship.
The Love had changed to attraction.
She would never realize what was going on with me and she behaved crazily still.
Laughing everything off and calling me to just say “Move on”.
I had always loved onething of her that she was just so “Imperfect”.
A Girl that was very childish,clumsy and crazy…!!!
I had always been a Tough Guy..I never walk back on the roads which I leave once.
Shikha,had gone for me…and I always wanted her back..but never made her realize that !

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