Saturday, May 21, 2011

Board Exams

Walking across the road after my Mother asked me to get a few things from the near by shop..
I noticed to Guys talking about the board exams...
Board exams are ordinary exams just like every year we give to pass our classes but The Teachers..
act as INDIA TV and Blabber so much about it...that all we can think of yes ! Its damn tough...
and just like 2012's Earth quake...!!
  Yes,they do matter for your life...but whats the point of not performing well and spending sleepless nights...
just of the mental pressure by the Parents and Society ?


  My Class 10th Boards were the worst exams i had given till then...
I was a Good student being a Position're assumed as a Good student anyway..
The Techers were disappointed by me...but Every single one of them knew what the reason was...and so did me.

.....Few Month Back to my Boards...

Juhi Had Left me after so many Years of being together...
 I was alone as i was...
Its this point of time you're Friends give you a great company and make you feel especial..and that's what happened.
  Naveen and Shirish became my Good Friends along with Manoj and Shanker...
Naveen was a Handsome looking Guy but not that Good in studies and so I was his best friend...
and Shirish was a Cute healthy short heighted Bengali Guy and was Good in studies...He was sent to Make us the "GOOD PEOPLE"..
Shirish never abused..and he used a "Sudharo" andolan..against the class...and he was happily committed to "HERMOINE GRANGER"..

Yea right..his Fantasy of HARRY POTTER...!

 Two Girls made their Way in our School...Radhika and Pankhuri...

Pankhuri was a Cute Girl with short hairs..a little healthy...but all the more she had great cheeks to be pulled..and i found that cute...!!

Radhika was sexy..her eyes were always kinda red..and one thing about her she was nosy..attitude projected in her...

  Radhika was made the Captian of her house after a few weeks of her admission and that amazed a few guys...

and she was one of the Girls of school..after whom Guys certainly were....

After Juhi left..I never thought of any other girl...

But School Friends and You being single..can never Happen..they'll get your Name associated with even the Helpers of the school...

and so was Me...!!

I was being associated with Radhika...the reason of that is all Guy's  stuff...
Reaching Puberty every Guy Thinks of Things related to the Other Sex..and Mammary Glands being the best suited of them...

  I had Bought a Cycle which my Dad being a little strict with his philosphies bought me the Cycle..mostly used by the milkmen..
and so i was named "Dhoodhwala"...and Rest you can understand being a Student at some point of life...

I was so not interested in Radhika...and I decided to Talk to her and tell her that there's nothing as such between we had sometimes talked...

 It was my Friends Birthday that day...and He was Giving me I saw Radhika Cross the Road..
I Ran in-order to Talk to her...

I: Hey  ! Radhika..

Radhika: Hey ! Wat ru doing here ?

I: Just Saw You Crossing the Road so came to help You..May b You needed some Guidence with it.

Radhika : [Gigling] sure.Tellme the Reason ?

I: ummmm..will Tell You...! Btw you're going home by walking today never saw you going like that ?

Radhika: Mom Has Gone out and me and Granny are only I Have to go home like this !

I:[Thinking my friends will definitely make a story outta it so i should hurry]
   Radhika ! Gimme Your Number.

Radhika: Umm..wat for ?

I: need to Talk to You about something.

Radhika: Okay ! She gave me her Number.

and I left saying her Good bye....!

Friends as usual..asked me..."Saale mil aaye ? kya baatein huyi ?"...

I am not gonna tell them that i got her number.

I told them nothing much....and changed the topic.[ Thats the best thing you can do to save your backside] 


I called her up..from my home phone number on her landline.

fortunately she picked up the call and we talked for about half an hour.

We discussed school,family and more importantly..that there's nothing between us.

We decided to "Be Friends" from then...

and talking to her i felt that she's not that bad ! as my Classmates accuse her to be !

and this "Phone Talk Process" Continued for Months.


I was sitting inside the Class.

*Knock at Door*

Teacher: Yes ?

Niti[ Radhika's classmate and friend]: Maam,Vice Principal Maam has called Nitesh !

I began to lose myself..why in the world has VP called me ? What did i Do ?

as i walked out of class...Niti started giggling and told me Radhika has called You.

I relieved.

I went to her class all her classmates were gone to computer Lab.

It was only Me,Radhika and Shankar [ in effect of Whitener]

This is How we Used to Talk in School..or used to meet before school as of our Remedial classes which i begun attending as she asked me for it...!


I and my Classmate Gaurav Had become more than Homework Copy borrowers now as we lived quite close to My house.

Vaibhav my classmate another Guy who lived close to my House and Radhika's house had to become more than just a homework copy borrower Now.

Yes ! You got it I and Radhika Lived quite close to each other.

Gaurav was the kinda dialogue delivery boy and one of a kind.He never interacted with Girls and he never wanted to.

He became my best friend over the time.

We shared every damn thing with each other..leaving Girls and underwear.

Whenever i had to Talk to him about Radhika or if You Talk to him of any other girl.

he did come up with his Philosophies "Nitesh ye sab moh maya hai !!"...

and "Ye sab chorr do..sanyas le lo.Bhramacharya apno"...

God..I needed advice with things or someone who could just say "You're right"....

as things always are pre-determind...!!


I had gone to my friends place to hangout.

After i returned home things appeared changed....

MOM: "Whoz Radhika ?"

[When you're Mom gets to know of things its the worst time you've had untill she supports you being friends with Girls]

I: Mom ! she's a Friend.

Mom: Since when ru both talking ?

I: Umm...she must have called for some work.[Mind does work]

Mom: Does her Mom Knows about You both ?

[How on Earth should I know about it ?]

Mom Called her Landline and Told her Mom that We both had been Talking.

I just thought Wow !! Thats How things Had to be ENDED>...!



Radhika: "Nitesh mom's going to come to school asking for "Nilesh"

I: My Name is Nitesh not Nilesh.

Radhika: Mom ! Had  heard it has Nilesh.

I: Wow ! We can turn it up as Nitesh the Other One who left school.

[We had 3 Nitesh's in our school and Two of them had left]

Radhika: I am tensed.

I: Yea ! Mahabharat in Modern times will be fought today.

[We went for classes]

[lunch time]

I was going to get the Register for my Classteacher.

[I Saw Radhika's Mom]

I looked at her and then away.

Her Mom: Beta ! Lunch ho gaya na ?

I: Yes ! aunty.[Smiling]

My friend who was walking with thats a rule in school..You never get out of your class matter its drinking water or loo.

Friend: Saasu Ma ! Ka milan
I: Saale ! Chup aisa kuch nahi hai.

[I and Radhika were not in a relationship.We Just used to Talk]

after i got back...

a lot had happened..Kirti and Vaibhav had been inquired about "Nilesh"...

But None existed. !!


It was after that that I decided to Propose her.

She used to attend TIWARI TUTORIALS.

I decided her to visit her there and give her a Surprise and propose her.


Radhika was of the opposite section and our rival section.

Everyone except me was opposed to her.

Not a single guy of my class refrained from abusing her..but still i defended her...

and Every problem related to her..i handled it....!!

She was now the HEAD GIRL of the school..and her Nosy behavior was becoming a Reason of problems between me and my friends and i didnt like that.

They also told me that she was related to other guys too but i never did believe it...!



I went to her Coaching that day..and waited for her class to get over.

She came out with some guys of her Batch.

as soon as she saw me..she got away from them and came to me.[IT WAS A BIG SURPRISE FOR HER]

I like my regular me : Who r those Guys ?

Radhika: Friends.

I: You never told me about them.

Radhika: I didnt feel like.

[I am a short-tempered person and so i left]

That Evening she called me up.

[Yea ! We still did talk on phone managing some way or the other]

Radhika: I am sorry.

I: [anger vanished] Its alright.

Radhika: I did like the surprise.

I: I came for a special purpose.

Radhika:and wat's that ?

I: I came to propose You.

Radhika: Already accepted.

I was Happy...and Couldnt Believe it...But I Really Was !!


It Has been Two Days Since we were committed.

Now ! The Mode of talking between us had changed..!

We reverted back to "Letters"...Like Good Old Fashioned ones.

Kirti my classmate and our common friend did the Job of Passing letters.

Kirti Gave me a Letter.

It Read:

Nitesh I Really Have to Talk to you about something and its important.

[I got tensed reading it and thought of all possible things which could Have happened]

I met her on Terrace after School.

Radhika: I am Sorry Nitesh ! But we Have to Break Up.

I: why ?

Radhika: Because my best friend Pankhuri Doesnt Like You and says You're not a Nice Guy.

[I had So started that cute looking Pankhuri Now]

I Couldnt say a Word I was so Taken up wid my Emotions.

I Never thought any such thing would Happen with me.

[A Voice heard]

We Turned Back at the stairs following the Class we were standing in.

It was our Computer Teacher.

Sir:What are you both doing here ?

We: Sir ! We Came to Take the Copies from the Cupboard.

Sir: I Know what Copies. Now Go.

[We Ran from there]

It all Happened in before my BOARD EXAMS...!!

I Cursed myself.

and the Hindi Movie flicks.

Which Show a Perfect Term after a Heart Break called as "Devdas"....

But I was not among them But I was Sad....!

Now ! Thats Wat Happens if You Have a Heart Break before a Big Exam.

[Present times]

Phone Flashing...


Ankur : Bhai ! Kal College chaloge na ?

I ; Haan ! Ofcourse kal chutti thodi na hai !!

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