Saturday, May 21, 2011

That One Girl

I and Ankur went to our Favourite Place Marine Drive...We name it just that way...its in Lucknow.
  Its a Place where Guys used to do all the stunting and Racing Few Years Back..
Now with Mayawati in action..Its transformed into a Mini park...!

But I love its location..!
A Road to begin with which doesnt end...semi-red structures of walls constructed all around.
It has a White Coloured Statue of Lord Budha inside it on a beautifully carved marble platform quite high on it.
on the Other side is a red brick foothpath quite long and grasses on both sides...and it quite goes till horizon !!

Near the Footpath is a wall constructed and following is steps to the River Gomti...!

I am in just love with this place..its like a stress buster for me...!!

Ankur Lives in Gomti nagar near Marine drive so we always end up being at Marine along with our batchmates.

Couples are regular visitors in there too.....!!

Ankur Caught an Eye of a Girl..a thing which almost all Guys do..even the Guys who swear that they didnt watch another girl but their special ones.

Ankur " Nitesh wo dekha raha hai us blue top wali ko"..

Me: Where ?

Ankur : Abe wo udhar ! [pointing at her]

Me : Yes !

Ankur : She looks exactly like one of my friends in School...I had a deep crush on her and I have never seen her again...since then...!!

Me : to kya be ? Dost kisliye hote hain ? bhabhi ko hum dhoond lenge !

[ The best thing You say up to give hopes to your friend and Bhabhi is the best thing you can say !!]


I used to go to School in a Rickshaw as a Kid...

There was my classmate Avantika who used to go in by the same rickshaw and lived near my house.

Avantika as i remember her was a dumb Girl as i thought her to be...She spoke only to mark the class...

She used to sit beside me..yes she was my SEAT PARTNER...!!

 We never talked as i knew she wont reply...and if you did try to talk to her..she would barely say anything..
I still did like her innocent and her being shy.....
but that was just limited to that...

I didnt notice her i was the Blackboard incharge and the cupboard incharge for all the Teachers...
and then I had my best friends Puneet and Ujjwal to talk to me always...

But she was still my friend and i did consider her one...

untill she class 4th...!

 My Rickshaw always did go through the same route and her house used to be on the same as when we used to pass from there...
I tried to see her and ask her why did she leave school ??

but Neither did i Saw her nor had any idea of her.....

 But yea sometimes i did think of her...while seeing the school group pics as i tried to remember each one of them....!

It was Durga Pooja festival going on..and I went to Bhoothnath,a local market along with my Parents...

I Noticed a Girl in Short Black dress with back some what open....but i couldnt see her face..

As she turned..I was more of surprised...

Heart says believe your Eyes and the Mind says No you're eyes are lying...

In the battle of heart and eyesight was at stake...

I looked at her again...

and yes it was was Avantika....!!

She had grown into a Sexy Looking Girl..and too add to my amazement she was Talking and Laughing...

But still...I wasnt that Happy..the Image I had of her was all Blown up..and i coudn't accept her or like her with this image....!!

....but i didnt talk to her..and she was lost somewhere in the huge public......!!

 During my Way Back home Sumtyms I Saw a Girl looking like Avantika coming from the other side on a Rickshaw...but i never believed it was her...

though she always smiled after seeing me..!!


New tenants had moved in my House.

I often Saw a Guy visiting their Place....!

Once my old childhood friend Ankit happened to visit my Place.....

We both Talked a lot of our childhood and asked of each other...Just what friends do when they meet after a Long time...!

As he happened to leave...that guy who visited my Tenants came in...

Ankit and that new guy shook hands and hugged...i had no idea of how they know each other...

Ankit introduced me to this new guy Mridul....!

Mridul seemed like a Cool Guy but a bit Wierd too.He was the kind of Guys who wanted to look cool in the eyes of Girls...and the Kinda guys I personally Hated.


I Was coming out of Cyber Cafe as I was Recently addicted to ORKUT.

Yea ! Orkut The Same Place we Facebook users Now dont want to Return to...!

Hey ! Nitesh...a Voice Called me from my back...

I Turned around to see...and Saw Mridul Greeting me....!!

Mridul : Hey ! Buddy wassup ?

Me : Just going back Home. You ?

Mridul : Just Came Back From meeting my Girlfriend.

Me : alright !

Mridul : Dont You have any ?

Me : [He asked me in a way as he had quite a Few] Nah !

Mridul : See ! This is my Girlfriend "Avantika"

Me : [I wasnt interesed in his Girlfriend as such except the Girl with That name] I peeped in...!

[ I was dumb struck...It was the same "Avantika" I had Known]

I told Mridul thats it such a small world.

Avantika my school time friend....

He called her Up..inorder to make her Talk to me...!

Yea ! I did Talk to Avantika after years and believed by my own very Ears that yes she can speak...!!

my heart Gave me a Thump as i heard a Sweet voice...going in my Ears as like Honey when You Taste it..except the Fact that My ears couldnt Taste it...!

But Yes they were sweet...and I was Just so Taken up......!!

I Dont remember much what happened Later after this Talk...!


After I Reached Home...there was something that made me feel kinda depressed...sad...

Dont really know what that feeling was like..but it surely was related to "Avantika"...

I Couldnt Imagine her with somebody like Mridul or Rather I Didnt want that to happen....!!

 Whenever I Saw Mridul I Thought of Avantika...

She had begun to Talk and Talk a Lot Now much as in to cause pain to one's Ears...!


  I and Avantika Became Friends again..we used to Talk through cellphone or gtalk sometimes...

Mridul and Avantika Had Broken Up...and I Felt Sad when I Found her to be Sad..

She was like my best friend and I never did say to her That Avantika I like You..!

as I didnt wanna spoil our friendship...

 Trust me there are lots of Guys and Girls who never say what they really want to thinking of ruining everything between them...!

and I am one of them...!



I and Avantika are best of friends....

We fight

We abuse.

We Curse.

We Share.

We Help.

We Just keep our Friendship bonded in all conditions.

I just Pray that things stay this way between us.....!!

She is a Beautiful Girl..Innocent Face [still]...

Nice Hair and Small Eyes with lots to speak..and she SPEAKS a Lot....!

She is even better than Blondes at IQ....!!

She discusses to me about her Crushes..the Guys that Hit on her and Everything...

Yes ! She is my Girlfriend...but in Parts "Girl and "Friend"....

and She Knows i love her Like a Friend..thats how i want to keep it....!!


Ankur : "Oye tu Sunn Raha hai ki nahi ??"

Me : [as if waking up] Haan be ! aur kya kr rha tha ? [with confidence so that he doesnt get a wrong impression]

Ankur : Yaar ! I wish I could say Everything to her...

Me : Yes ! Wo to hai..and shayad aisa hi hota hai yaar

[All this while Ankur Had been telling me his Story]

-Sms Beeps-

Its from Avantika.[Think of the Devil and the Devil is here]

and it reads like :

"Oye ! Mote tu mujhe bhul gaya na ???"

[I call her Moti,which doesnt mean we are out of shape] 

[Girls and their Emotional ataychar].........


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