Sunday, June 26, 2011

Teri yaadein....

“Teri Yaadein,
Mulaakaatein,wo baatein aur raatein..”
A song everyone of us would be familiar of…from the Serial “LOVE STORY”.
Everyone would have heard this song some time or the other…here’s a story linked with this song..!
It was December night,I was just talking to my friends sitting with them in my house over a cup of tea,It was a night out for all of us.
My cell beeped in the middle of a conversation with my friend Karan,as we were discussing our days back at school.
It was from an unknown number…saying just “hi”…
I switched off my cell..avoiding further disturbances..and moreover we were too indulged in our talks about school,the fun,the teachers…and obviously the Girls.
Next Day,after I woke up..I switched on my receive 3 mssgs..from the same unknown number,with just the same text repeated thrice.
I messaged back..asking who it is…
The reply I got,made me smile and made my friends interested too.
It said Hey ! Nitesh,its your New friend Vatsala…remember we met in the swimming comptetion day before”.
I tried remembering of her..and realized she was the girl in blue swimming costume wrapped in towel of the same colour and sitting beside me on a chair,and not one guy passing by didn’t forget to stop and look at her.Well,she was what we call “Hot !!”.
 Looking at the pool and her..I said “Its been years I came back for a something like this”..
She responded,with “Same here”,her expression and not so confident voice made it all clear that she was nervous about it..!
We started talking of swimming at first then about our likings..we digressed on various topics…but it seemed we wouldn’t stop talking,until my Teacher gave me a sign that we had to leave,as my event was already over.
I looked at her and said “I won’t mind talking to you next time aswell..and gave her my number on her hand,as we didn’t had anything to write on”…I smiled and went away.
Seeing her message,was in itself made me feel nice…
We began exchanging messages for a day or two..when we decided to meet again.
 It was,evening time in the month of December..when we met again at one of the best Malls in the city and went to Pizza Hut.
I like Pizza Hut,because of the colourful servings they make.
We talked,and everyone in the Pizza we laughed and talked..!
It was fun..after I realized How diet coke was different from the Normal coke…as I gathered that information from the Girl who served us !
The talks became more of a way to be together for us,when we finally decided to not just be “Friends”.
We were Happily going along and we always felt that this time,we’ll cherish for years to come.
But,things always do not happen the way you want them to happen….
It was next december now..and we were excited of our first year getting completed of being together.
Two days later was when we would complete our One year of Happiness and Love.
When I got a call from her in the evening at around unusual time for her to call as she mostly cooks with her mother during that time…but she did call and I received it…
The voice was full of sadness and you could feel it from her voice,the first words she could gather courage to speak were..
“Baby,dad’s getting transferred to Bangalore.”
That’s all she could say…!
She was to leave the same day when we would complete our 1 year of being together…that’s called “Co-Incidence”.
I went to the station as well..just to say Good Bye to I didn’t know when I would see her next….!
With distances between us,in the form of roads…we got seperated….!
Something we didn’t want,but happened…!!
Often on closing my eyes..
I see her..singing for me…
‘Teri Yaadein,Mulaakatein..wo baatein aur raatein”…

Monday, June 20, 2011

That Pain.

 Geet Gaata hun Main,Gungunata Hun Main,
Maine Hasne ka waada kiya tha kabhi..isliye hi sada muskurata hun main”
Beautiful lines of a song..but sometimes they hold a lot Truth inside them.
You smile with the World,but the World never Cries with You.
It’s then you begin hating this world,and think you’ll build a wall against you and not let anyone enter into the part that’s too important for You.
Ye Ishq hai kaisa..jaane kaun ?
Jaise kaanch ke tukde jigar mein hon.”
“Love” is a beautiful thing,until you’ve received the pain associated with it…!!
The Pain,that’s difficult to handle but sweet to render…
Something that can make you cry with the flashback of memorie s or make you smile with the same…!
After a loss..we refrain ourselves..get reserved and seldom get lost in ourselves.
It’s said “People come in couples”
And I am of a different opinion “We come in pairs and experiment to get that correct partner”
Its just that a loss of someone can be taken in two ways…it depends on us what side we want to see…
I know,sometimes that pain cannot just get a medicine and it always remains with us…somewhere deep down inside us..
But ,somewhere that same person wants us to be happy…!
I am a big SRK fan..and here’s a beautiful dialogue from him from the movie chalte chalte.
“Tum Khush rehna,kyunki duniya ke kisi kone mein ek shaks hai,jo khush hai..kyunki tum Khush ho !”
A touching dialogue for sure..but the meaning is far more important..!!
For me the words are never important…but what they mean and the feeling they impart is much more important to me !
We cry,We laugh,We go through just so many  feelings  inside our head and heart because of That ONE person in Our Lives…!
That one person is Special to Us…but …..
He’s the reason for that “Pain” which always remains with us !!

“That Pain” something we have all been through..and we know what it is like to feel it…
And I would just like to say…its Life..and Live it..Love and be not afraid of the Pains..for  the  person that would come to you and stay with you..will have gone through everything you felt…and can understand you and love you in a better way !!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Being Used !!

 “There are times when you feel you are someone who’s always used by the other person.They need you only for their own needs and motives and when the need vanishes they disappear into the crowd from where they came from,if you feel so too sometimes…here’s the story”

*Phone rings*
I saw the time it was around 3 am…and the name flashed *Devika calling*….
I picked up the phone knowing it must be something important…
On ther other side of the phone it was complete silence..and in that silence I could hear the cries of a girl…
I have been told that I was humourous..and it was testing time for me…and I tried different ways of making her laugh at all my Pj’s and at last she did…
We talked for a while and then I asked her to go and sleep as it was quite late…
She was crying as the she was missing the guy she loved.
With the type of guy I am…I could have said “what the heck !”…but unfortunately I didn’t.
We had been close for months now..we knew each other quite well..talked for hours….and though she wept quite a number of times or had mood swings..I was there making her get back to her normal state.
I was the best guy for her..she used to say…just like the one she wanted her Guy to be…!!
Say that to a Guy and that’ll give his thoughts wings and I was a Normal Guy…and same was the case wid me..
I began liking her…but that didn’t mean I changed..I remained the same..and did hide my feelings beneath…
It was oneday she called me up and she was again crying…and by this point of time I had begun liking her upto an extent of not able to see or hear her cry…
I wanted to make her smile and divert her mind.
I said “Devika…there’s something I need to tell You”.
She “whats that ?” still sad.
I said “I really like You and I want you to be Mine”.
There was something unusual about this sentence that made me feel good and smile…
But that wasn’t to be on the other side aswell.
She “what you like me ?”.
I stammering…”hmmm…yeaah,I do”.
She widout saying a word kept the phone.
I tried calling her several times but she didn’t pick it up…I knew something was wrong..she never did this…
She did message back but…
Her text said “I didn’t expect You to say like this”.
I was shocked…I seemed to have done a crime……though I always felt we were strongly bonded by emotions…
But whatever I felt…was I guess..was just felt by me..
Soon,I lost a very Good friend..someone I could share anything with…
She wasn’t anymore there for me…listening to me nor could I get to hear her voice.
My Phone that used to be silent for all the time..since we were always talking through mesaages or call..was now on Ringer mode..expecting texts or mssgs from her..
It wasn’t that she lost the ability to reply..but I never got her messaging back to me or even replying to my calls…
I was always filled up with questions “what would be she doing,How would she be,will she be crying over that guy still ?”.
And when I used to wake the morning or the middle of the nights..for most of the times now..I would just think in my mind…”what would she doing at this time ?”.
I was missing her..and that too Badly…
By outings were I didn’t feel like going out and interacting with friends….
There was something wrong with me and I had to change…..!!
The Loss of a Girl I really liked and a friend too had affected me..and It wasn’t like I had just one friend…
But I was greatly affected…!
The New Devdas was here without his Love for Drinks or Smoke !!
And That’s how I came to the conclusion that over the time I had been just used for like someone to be there just when she wanted to be..and console her….
Rest I meant nothing to her….!
The Last sentence hurts a lot of Normal Human Beings…
But that’s how the world seldom is to you..SELFISH,if you are overly nice !!

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