Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Green Eyed Girl

  "Yaar,Orkut Bore ho Gaya hai yaar..Koi Online hi nahi aata hai ab"..exclaimed Aqib...
A Friend from of the Few blessed with Brains in my College...!
  Everyone has its Golden Phase and so had Orkut..there was a time when everyone was on orkut.
I once went to a Cyber Coffee and on every computer i could see a Blue coloured background..
I wanted to see what was it ? as Even the Girls were into it...
 It said in Bold letters "ORKUT"..

I still didnt have an idea about it..untill i finally got addicted to it..and now the whole world wants Facebook !

Like Fashion changes so did the Social Network.


 I Had been Just started with Orkut..and Made Quite a few number of scraps after i joined in...

I had heard Riya to be on orkut so i joined it...but i didnt find her anywhere.

Neither in the school communities nor in the friendlists of people..and it has been a few months now...

I had made about eight thousand scraps untill then....

 One fine evening i was sending a scrap to one of the people in my friend list and visited her profile....
and i went to see her last scraps..

I Saw Riya's scrap to her..and that too it showed "2 mins ago"....

I was filled with a sense of Joy...and sent her a frnd request at once.

 But Girls are Girls..."Bhaav Khana puraani adat hota hai"...they love making Guys wait...!

and she was so too...She accepted my friend request after 15 mins...and i so hate waiting....!!

  I sent her a "Hi"...
and she replied Back.."hey Nitesh"...!

I Replied "Whats My New Word after Hai Rabba ?"

She replied "Sochna padega"...with a Tongue out smiley...!

and that was it..we started talking !! and I was very happy about it...!

 Things were going good...she always came online by 6pm..and so did I..and we talked for one hour daily...


Oneday A Guy came asking for me to my class...

 Boy: Ru Nitesh ?
 Me: Yea ! didnt change my identity yet.

Boy : I am Saurabh.

Me : so ?

Saurabh: These days you have started talking to Riya a lot..

Me : When did that become current affairs ? anyway so ?

Saurabh : So wat ? Stay away from her Dude..She's my GF !

Me: Okay.

[he left]

[Home time]

I was walking out of my class...

I Saw Riya and i went to her and ask about Saurabh...[Y didnt she tellme about saurabh ?]

as i went closer i saw Saurabh Staring at me...

i called Suarabh..he was hesitant..but later he came..

I called Riya..and as i called her Suarabh started leaving...but i didnt let it happen...

I to Riya : Riya..Saurabh says he's ur that True ?

Riya to Saurabh : [Angrily] What do you think of yourself ? i never expected this from You.

[I went home thinking about this Drama]

 I like always went online at 6pm...

It was 6:15pm..and she didnt show hadnt happened ever though...

I decided to visit her profile...and the profile wasnt there..SHE HAD DELETED HER PROFILE !!

I was filled with questions..why did she delete her profile ? why didnt she tellme anything ?

is Saurabh really her Bf ?...and all these answers i wanted from her...!

Next day i went to school...

I wanted to talk to her..but never found her alone enough to talk to her personally...

and it conintued for like 10 days..

I was going restless and all the more that urge in me to talk to her was getting more on me....!

I decided to take help of an old so called Friend "Radhika"...[Remember Her ? if not go through my previous blogs].

  She was in her class and i had to see her face again..though i never wanted to see it again...but i had too..!

I went upto her to ask if y she did leave orkut and talking to me ?

She promised me to help me....! I was happy about it...!

 Next day..i went upto her...with a letter...with everything written on it..what i had to say or ask to Riya..

yes the season of "Love letters" was back for me...!

 I gave her the letter to Radhika to give it to the Lunch time

[Sometimes the conditions become so worse rightly said "Waqt aane pe be gadhe ko bhi baap banana padta hai"...ofcourse of the opposite gender in this case]

 I went up to Radhika..if she gave it to Riya...she said...yes ! I gave it...!

I was happy that my feelings reached Riya !...and waited desperately for her reply/

Guys become desperate when they do something for a Girl and wait to get a reaction from them...!

  I was waiting for the next day..and it came...

I went to school happily...and asked Radhika..if she gave her something in return ?

She said "NO"...

I was hell disappointed...

I didnt know of any other way to interact to her.....

After waiting for about 15 days....and telling myself each day that she might reply to me today...

but she didnt...

Whenever i looked up at her...i just looked in her eyes...

and she never looked in mine for more than 3 seconds....!

That was height of my Patience test...

 I decided to write a Letter again..and so did I....but got no response....

During these times i could have been imagine as modern day Devdas minus the beard and minus the wine...!

I was Sad..and that showed on me...i remained SILENT.....gosh..pathetic...!

 Nitesh without a song on his not Nitesh..really...!!

But Yea ! I was sad about it...!

   I decided to stop thinking of her...thats the best thing you tell yourself in such condition...
but what really happens're telling you're mind "Not to think of a thing"...
and it does just the opposite...

Remember when you were young..and you're mom told you not to walk out of the door ? and you were all the more interested in Going out ?

Same was the case with me....

 I was walking to my classroom....

when she came infront of me...god ! I couldnt take my eyes of her..she was looking so damn pretty today..

the snow seemed to get its colour from it..and the red beet too...was nothing in front of her cheeks....!

when i heard a Girl saying "Happy Birthday Riya"...!

It was her birthday Today...

I said "Happy Birthday Riya"..

She smiled and said "Thanks Nitesh"...

I wanted to talk to her more..but she went away untill then like a wind.

[Y didnt she talk to me all this time ?]

I was just thinking of her Smile...guys have this wrong notion of a the Girl's smile...

and Girls use it fantastically..for killing Guys..and i was literally killed....!

I was filled with high hopes again.

I took my friend and texted him...and he was there at Lunch time with a gift pack.

Sometimes you feel like Kissing you're friend...and it was a right moment...but nah ! I didnt do it !

I took the Gift pack from him..and in the last english class i had written up a LOVE LETTER again...!

  I went to between classes and asked her to deliver it at the place where she knew !

She had become my Delivery Girl by now and that too a Free delivery Girl...!

 At home time..Radhika came to me..and she gave me the gift pack..
saying...she didnt accept it....! but has taken you're letter.
 I was all the more puzzled..she never responds to letters but takes them..y in the world will any girl do that ?

to show her friends off that i get love letters and stuff ?

Whatever it was...i was outraged in anger...

I went straight upto her..without thinking thoughts are the ones that stop you..

 I taking care of the people around me..said.."if you're not accepting it..its not going with me too"

and i went outside the gate of my school.

Just outisde our school was the Main Road.

I kept the Gift in the Middle of the Road..and looked at her from the other side.

I could see her looking at me from the Other side...

An ambassdor came and crushed my gift...

I decided to never think of her i never did so much for a Girl...!

  Times passed..being in a New school and became more difficult..with i trying to avoid Riya Now...

I and my Friends...I ,Gaurav and Amol..decided to start bunking classes Now..

and we did that on a regular basis...

We bunked and went to nearby places and enjoyed..and our fav place used to be Marine drive in those days too..!

 Untill..we got caught...

I didnt have any kinda image in this new school..and i was least bothered about it..

and it got worst after i and my friends were caught bunking..
  It made me feel that I'll never be able to talk to Riya...after she was the topper of her class..
and it happened that way too...

I went less to school...

as i fell ill with Juandice tooo.....

and time acts as the best medicine always for everything...

Though somewhere in my heart i wanted to get answers from her...


"Oye Nitesh..tu Facebook pe hai " was Aqib again...

all this while he deleted his orkut profile and joined Facebook...

I nodded..and opened my Facebook profile.

as i opened my Profile..i saw someone very familiar.


Such Irony..I laughed.....

Aqib "Kya Hua Be ?"

Me :  Kuch nahi be..kuch yaad aagya tha...

Aqib : kya ?

Me: [Changing the Topic] Bangayi teri profile ?

We talked of profiles..and how to add girls you dont know on facebook profile !!

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