Saturday, May 21, 2011



Exam time is mostly the time..when you Have You're Back Side tell You "Dude ! you're screwed"
All you think of is the Last minute view of the things you think is important and most likely to come in your Exam.
When you get you're Question Paper.its a moment you remember throughout ur day.
The Question paper comes with a jingle ..
 "Tiding ! I am here and I Know thats Not Fair"....!!
Questions are mostly Easy and when you see sumthing that you crammed into you're Head last night..the Eyes light up saying " I Think I Know You"...
then We just jot Down The total Marks we r most likely to get in it..and if its More than the Required Passing Marks..we get a Signal "Job Done"...else
it remains "Exam was kinda Good" for when your Parents ask about it...!! Questions are mostly easy cause we r mostly familiar to it but the answers are all the more difficult..
 But That Day it was different with me..I wasnt thinking of Exams,Marks or How will i Do in it..but sumthing else...You all Guessed it right my Friend..It was a Girl.
Her name was Juhi..My Friend Rohit had Introduced me to her.
Big eyes..long Hair and Simplicity with a Touch of Naughtiness all along just what's required to make a Guy have a Crush on you is all she possessed of.
She was my Senior in School..and i had this big Crush on her.Fair Enough Every Guy has it on a Senior Girl Most Likely.
Mohabbatein had Realised that Time around and she was of the Likes of Preeti Jhangiyani minus her zero figure she wasnt that skinny.
  I was Kinda Nice Guy in school and She Gave way to my Thoughts...Evry Damned Guy in my Class knew about her...this is when one's Life Feels like a Devil laughing up on You..but Makes You smile when you think of it...!
Its Like for Every damn thing they take up her name and get their work done.It becomes more of a One Sided Win then.
Friend" Dude! Do this For meh"
I: Nah !
Friend:" Tujhe Uski Kasam hai"

[Bingo and Job Done] !!

ah !! Emotional Blackmailing can b a Nice Weapon sumtyms...m sure if used in World Wars..Most Wife Hating Men will Commit suicide !

 School Used to be fun always especially the time after it and the Break can i Forget that ?
There are things you begin doing especially after a Girl comes in Your Life.
Earlier..Recess as you may Know it..used to b full on Lunch time...but your Lunch and Shout of the thing you got till you're friends hear it and finish it off for You.
Walk down to her classroom just to See a Glimpse of Her...and Marvel at your Crush a little more.
 Art was inside me and I used to Sketch a lot then and had been to various Painting Comptetions and i used to use it best Making Cards for her..and doing everything just to see that smile on her Face...!
Waiting for the Classes to end up so that we can walk up together till the main road and spend some time talking to each other...though after she left you have to follow a different way so that you can reach up Home.
Mom Shouting "Get up ! College Nahi Jana Kya ??"...
Shouts from the third Floor thats where my room is...getting up.."aa raha'...
this is how a Day begins for me thinking of ..."Should i go to college today ??"[ damn ! College its 34 kms far frm my house]
all I go to college for is because i get to Ride my Bike which i Love to Ride..!
 Yes,Bikes are a Better Girlfriend.

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